Sing to the Lord a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. ~ Psalm 33:3
Professionalism in music
is a standard of quality,
not necessarily a career choice.
Successful performance is
not machine-like precision,
but potent communication.
Truly beautiful music results from
a myriad of details executed through
careful practice and inspired by
knowledge, imagination, and intuition.
Music is a language of the spirit.
It originates in the spirit but is
channeled through the physical
means of the body and instrument.
The performer must use the body in the
most natural way to allow the music to
flow uninhibited. The more fluent the
technique, the broader the outlet for
expression. Thus, talent often emerges
gradually as a result of proper training.
The study of music is never complete,
for there is always new meaning to probe.
The beauty and wonder of the ongoing
process draw the true musician.
Even the youngest students
are capable of playing with
depth of expression.
The teacher should seek to inspire
students so that diligence results
from inner drive and love for the music.
In turn, students who inspire the
teacher tap into the ultimate source
of mutual creative energy and
mental acuteness.
The discipline acquired in music study
produces life skills
transferable to other areas.